Academic Publications

Many of the listed academic publications are based on cross-sectoral and cross-regional qualitative and quantitative data sets which can be obtained by contacting the authors 

 Abels, S., Becker, T. & Mahltig, P. (Eds.) (2021). DVCS Yearbook 2019.Mobility in China, German Association of China Studies, DVCS.

Alami, I., & Dixon, A. D. (2022). “Expropriation of Capitalist by State Capitalist:” Organizational Change and the Centralization of Capital as State PropertyEconomic Geography, 1-24.

Alami, I., & Dixon, A. D. (2022). “Expropriation of Capitalist by State

Capitalist:” Organizational Change and the Centralization of Capital as State
Economic Geography, 1-24.

Alami, I., Dixon, A. D., Gonzalez-Vicente, R., Babic, M., Lee, S. O., Medby, I. A., & Graaff, N. D. (2021). Geopolitics and the ‘new’state capitalismGeopolitics, 1-29.

Alami, I., Whiteside, H., Dixon, A. D., & Peck, J. (2023). Making space for the new state capitalism, part II: Relationality, spatiotemporality and uneven developmentEnvironment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X231156913.

Alami, I. (2023). Ten theses on the new state capitalism and its futuresEnvironment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X231156910.

Alami, I. (2022). The spiral of state capitalism: labour transformations or the ‘whip of external necessity’?Global Political Economy, 1-20.

Altamira, M., & Fornes, G. (2022). Chinese Multinationals and the Politics of Internationalisation. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 17975). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. 

Altamira, M., Fornes, G., & Mendez, A. (2022). Chinese institutions and international expansion within the Belt and Road Initiative: firm capabilities of Chinese companies in the European UnionAsia Pacific Business Review, 1-23. 

Altun, S., & Ergenc, C. (2023). The EU and China in the global climate regime: a dialectical collaboration-competition relationshipAsia Europe Journal, 1-21.

Altun, S., & Ergenc, C. (2023). The EU and China in the global climate regime: a dialectical collaboration-competition relationshipAsia Europe Journal, 1-21.

Amendolagine V., Chaminade C., Guimon J.and Rabellotti R. (2020) Cross-border knowledge flows through R&D FDI: Implications for low- and middle-income countries in Trade in Knowledge: Economic, Legal and Policy Aspects (forthcoming), eds. Taubman, A. and Watal, J., Cambridge University Press

Amendolagine V., Lema R., Rabellotti R. (2020) Green foreign direct investments and the deepening of capabilities for sustainable innovation in multinationals: insights from renewable energy (mimeo), Aalborg University.

Amendolagine, V., Fu, X., & Rabellotti, R. Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investments and Innovation. The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation.

Andžāns, M., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Latvia–Russia Relations: Landscape for Desecuritization or Further SecuritizationMDPI Social Sciences.

Balmas, P., & Dörry, S. (2022). The Geoeconomics of Chinese Bank Expansion into the European Union. In The Political Economy of Geoeconomics: Europe in a Changing World (pp. 161-185). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 

Balmas, P., & Dörry, S. (2023). Chinese bank networks in Europe: FDI-oriented by legal and strategic designEurasian Geography and Economics, 1-27.

Balmas, P., Dörry, S. (2021). Chinese state-owned bank expansion into Europe: Bank branches and subsidiaries. Financial Geography Working Paper Series, Working Paper #29.

Barker, T., Mölling, C., Vinke, K. Rühlig, T., Dinkel, S. & Stamm, L. (2021) A NEW FOREIGN POLICY FOR GERMANY? DGAP.

Bartoletto, S. (2020). Energy transitions in mediterranean countries : consumption, emissions and security of suppliesEdward Elgar Publishing.

Beck, F., & Nyíri, P. (2022). “It’s All for the Child”: The Discontents of Middle-class
Chinese Parenting and Migration to Europe
The China
, 1-22.

Beraha, I., & Jovičić, E. (2021). Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na spoljnotrgovinsku razmenu između Kine i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana (Impact of the COVID-19 pandemy on the trade flows between China and the Western Balkan countries).

Beck, F., & Nyíri, P. (2022). “It’s All for the Child”: The Discontents of Middle-class Chinese Parenting and Migration to EuropeThe China Quarterly, 1-22.

Becker, C., Ten Oever, N., & Nanni, R. (2022). The Standardisation of Lawful Interception Technologies in the 3GPP: Interrogating 5G and Surveillance Amid Us-China Competition. Interrogating 5g and Surveillance Amid Us-China Competition (July 19, 2022).

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2021). The Baltic CAI challenge: reconciling Transatlanticism with EU solidarityAsia Europe Journal, 1-5.

Berzina-Cerenkova, U. A. (2021). The Baltic Resilience to China’s” Divide and Rule“. Lex Portus7, 11.

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021).  Latvia–no Place for Ambiguity. In Karásková, I. (ed.) Huawei in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Forecast, Czech Republic, Association for International Affairs (AMO), Prague.  

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021). Latvia’s Transatlanticism and the Risks of the PRC’s Economic Presence: a Dilemma That Does Not Exist. Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook, Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs.

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021). Go with the Devil You Don’t Know”? Latvians Still Believe in Economic Cooperation with ChinaThe Baltic Bulletin. Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia.   

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021). A Baltic View on Transatlantic Tech Relations Towards ChinaRUSI Transatlantic Dialogue on China.  

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021). China opts for optimism in 2021 Russian security strategy readingMercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS).

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. (2021). Towards a NATO China Strategy#NATO2030 Series, N.2, International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn

Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. Chapter 2NATO and China Navigating the Challenges. – NATO 2030: Towards a New Strategic Concept and Beyond (Eds. Jason Blessing, Katherine Kjellström Elgin, Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters),Washington, DC: Foreign Policy Institute/Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 2021, pp.47-66.

Bofulin, M. (2020) Kitajski migranti in covid-19: mobilnost in izključevanje med pandemijo [Chinese migrants and Covid-19: mobility and exclusion during the pandemic], Dve domovini/ Two Homelands, 52, 95-111.

Boni, F. (2022). Strategic partnerships and China’s diplomacy in Europe: Insights from ItalyThe British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 13691481221127571.

Braun Střelcová, A. (2021). Growing Up and Going Global: Chinese Universities in the Belt and Road InitiativeMade in China6, 158-163.

Braun Střelcová, A., Christmann-Budian, S., & Ahlers, A. L. (2022). The End of “Learning from the West”? Trends in China’s Contemporary Science Policy.

Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L., Jager, J., Nachbagauer, A.G.M. and A. Nolke (2020) Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, Springer.

Brennan, L. (2021). Investors in China should look carefully at the risks, Financial Times, July 28. 

Brennan, L. (2021). China courts an uncertain future for its economy, Financial Times, October 01. 

Brennan, L. (2021). China’s big challenge is to harness education successFinancial Times, May 07.

Brennan, L. (2021, December 17). China fares best when it embraces the world. Financial Times

Brennan, L. (2023) China is the real driver for west’s embrace of dirigismeFinancial Times, March 17, 2023.

Brennan, L., & Vecchi, A. (2021). The European response to Chinese outbound foreign direct investment: introducing a dynamic analytical framework. Development and Change52(5), 1066–1089. 

Brennan, Louis (2021). Why Beijing secured a clear win in EU trade deal, Financial Times, January 6

Cao, N., Giordan, G., & Yang, F. (Eds.). (2020). Chinese religions going global. Brill.

Ceccagno, A. and A. Salviati (2020) The Chinese ‘grid reaction’ in ItalyThe Coronavirus and Mobility Forum

Ceccagno, A. and D. Sacchetto (2020) A Chinese Model for Labour in Europe?, International Migration, 58 (3), pp.73-86. 

Ceccagno, A. and D. Sacchetto (2020) The Mobility of Workers living at work in EuropeCurrent Sociology, 68 (3), pp. 299-315. 

Ceccagno, A., & Thunø, M. (2022). Digitized diaspora governance during the COVID19 pandemic: China’s diaspora mobilization and Chinese migrant responses in Italy. Global Networks.

Chan, CK., Florence, E., and Qiu, J.L. (2021). Precarity, Platforms, and Agency: The Multiplication of Chinese Labour, in Agency Beyond Precarity: Platforms and the multiplication of labor regimes in China, China Perspectives, 2021/1. 

Chan, CK., Florence, E., and Qiu, J.L. (Eds.). (2021). Agency Beyond Precarity: Platforms and the multiplication of labor regimes in China, China Perspectives, 2021/1. 

Chen, J. Y. W. (2022). Reconciling different approaches to conceptualizing the glocalization of the Belt and Road Initiative projects. Globalizations, 1-13.

Chen, J. Y. W. (2023). Glocalization of Belt and Road Initiatives: The Importance of Local Agency. In The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative (pp. 125-137). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Chen, J. Y. W., & Kallio, J. (2023). Finland–Taiwan Relations: An Overview and Changes after COVID-19 PandemicTentative: Nordic Taiwan Relations.

Chen, J. Y. W., & Lodén, T. (2023). Slowly Taking Off: Nordic-Taiwan Relations.

Chen, J. Y. W., & Ristivojević, D. (2023). Global-Local Dynamics in the Belt and Road Initiative ProjectsGlobal China Pulse.

Chen, M., & Petry, J. (2023). What about the dragon in the room? Incorporating China into international political economy (IPE) teachingReview of International Political Economy, 1-22.

Chen, X., & Gao, X. (2022). Comparing the EU’s and China’s approaches in data governance. In Understanding the EU as a Good Global Actor (pp. 209-225). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Chen, Yu-Wen (2020). The Making of the Finnish Polar Silk Road: Status in Spring 2019, in Hing Kai Chan, Faith Ka-Shun Chan, and David O’Brien (eds.) International Flows in the Belt and Road Initiative Context: Business, People, History and Geography. (pp. 193-216). Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Chuang, Y. H., and A.C. Trémon, eds. (2020) Mobilités et mobilisations chinoises en Francecollection « SHS », Terra HN éditions, Marseille, ISBN : 979-10-95908-03-6

Conlé, M., Kroll, H., Storz, C., & ten Brink, T. (2021). University satellite institutes as exogenous facilitators of technology transfer ecosystem development,   . The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-34.  

Creemers, R. (2022). China’s emerging data protection frameworkJournal of Cybersecurity8(1), tyac011.

Conlé, M., ten Brink, T. & Zhao, W. (2022). Innovation platforms as a tool for anchoring non-local knowledge: smart specialisation strategies in Guangdong, China. Industry and Innovation.

Costa, C. M. (2020) China after the pandemics: How to survive international scepticism and domestic distrust?. In Gian Luca Gardini (Ed.), The world before and after Covid-19 Intellectual reflections on politics, diplomacy and international relations. (pp. 84-87). Stockholm/Salamanca: European Institute of International Studies.

Costa, C. M. (2020). O discurso chinês para os países africanos de língua portuguesa: o papel do Fórum Macau. Relações Internacionais. 65, 43-55

Costa, C. M. (2020). The words of the Belt & Road Initiative: a Chinese discourse for the world?. In Leandro, Francisco B. S. José, Duarte, Paulo Afonso B. (Ed.), The Belt and Road Initiative: An Old Archetype of a New Development Model. (pp. 23-44).: Palgrave Macmillan.

De Beule, F., De Lombaerde, P., & Zhang, H. (2022). The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: strategic responses of governments and multinational companiesAsia Pacific Business Review, 1-11..

Gao, X., & Chen, X. (2022). Role enactment and the contestation of global cybersecurity governance. Defence Studies22(4), 689-708

De Graaff, N. (2019) China Inc. Goes Global. The Transnational and National Networks of Chinese firms and business elitesReview of International Political Economy, 27:2, 208- 233 (open access)

De Graaff, N., & Valeeva, D. (2021). Emerging Sino–European Corporate Elite Networks. Development and Change52(5), 1147-1173.

De Graaff, N., T. ten Brink, I. Parmar (2020) Forum on China’s rise in a liberal world order in transition, Review of International Political Economy, 27:2, 191-301. (open access)

Du, Juan (2020) Chinese Immigrants Acting as Local Residents. De facto Citizenship in the Banlieues of ParisJournal of Chinese Overseas 16: 191-214.

Du, Juan (2020) Endurance, Identity and Temporality: Ethnic Labor Market and Labor Process of Chinese Migrant Workers in FranceThe Journal of Chinese Sociology.

Entwistle, P., Henderson, J., Knight, A., Evans, H. & Toale, J. (2021). China’s Place in a Progressive British Foreign PolicyLabour Foreign Policy Group, UK Labour Party, 2021.

Ergenc, C. (2023), China Suddenly Abandoned Its Zero COVID Policy. How Did It Start In The First Place?The Diplomat.

Fägersten, B. & Rühlig, T. (2021). Infrastructure Development and Geoeconomic Competition: A Framework for Analysis. In Borchert, Heiko/Strobl, Johann (eds.). Storms Ahead. The Future Geoeconomic World Order. Vienna: Raiffeisen Bank International, pp. 156-171.

Ferchen, M., & Mattlin, M. (2023). Five modes of China’s economic influence: rethinking Chinese economic statecraftThe Pacific Review, 1-27.

Mattlin, M., & Rajavuori, M. (2023). Changing Causal Narratives and Risk Perceptions on Foreign Investment: the Riskification of Chinese Investments in the Nordic RegionEast Asia, 1-21.

Mattlin, M. (2023). Kiina-riippuvuuksia ja niiden tutkimusta, Kiina sanoin ja kuvin 1/2023: 4-8.

Fornes, G., Cardoza, G., & Altamira, M. (2021). Do political and business relations help emerging markets’ SMEs in their national and international expansion?evidence from Brazil and ChinaInternational Journal of Emerging MarketsAhead-of-print

Fornes, G., Monfort, A., Ilie, C., Koo, C.K.T., Cardoza, G. (2019) Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability in MBAs. Understanding the Motivations for the Incorporation of ERS in Less Traditional MarketsSustainability, 11

Freeman, D. (2021). The EU and China: policy perceptions of economic cooperation and competition. Asia Europe Journal, 1-20.

Fresnoza-Flot, A. and  Wang, S. (2021) Asia-Europe intimate links: Family migrants, binational couples and mixed-parentage children. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 30 (1). 

Gaspar, S., Ampudia de Haro, F. (2019) Buying Citizenship? Chinese Golden Visa Migrants in PortugalInternational Migration (Special Issue)

Gledić J. (2019) The Development of Sino-Serbian Relations under the Belt and Road Initiative: Forging the ‘Iron Friendship.’ Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, 3(55), 21-36.

Gledić J. (2020) Formal Vs. Informal Chinese Presence: The Underbelly of Hope in the Western Balkans. In Hung E. & Ngo T. W. (Eds.) Shadow Economies across the New Silk Road (pp.163-182). Amsterdam University Press

Gledić, J. (2021). The role of culture in order-building: Lessons from China’s engagement on the borders of the EU. In China-EU Relations in a New Era of Global Transformation (pp. 255-272). Routledge.

Gledić, J., Turcsányi, R., Šimalčík, M., Kironská, K., and Sedláková, R. (2021)  Serbian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: An unyielding alliance?, Bratislava: Central European Institute of Asian Studies

Gomes, A., ten Brink T., Pauls, R. (in press). Industrial policy and the creation of the electric vehicles market in China: Demand structure, sectoral complementarities and policy coordination. Cambridge Journal of Economics.

De Beule, F., & Zhang, H. (2022). The impact of government policy on Chinese investment locations: An analysis of the Belt and Road policy announcement, host-country agreement, and sentimentJournal of International Business Policy, 1-24.

Gorica, K. (2020) China: Investing and Touristing in EuropeJournal of Tourism & Hospitality 9 (4), pp. 1-6. 

Gorica, K., Kordha, E. (2023). A Review of China’s Contribution to the Sustainable Development of the European Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Economic Effects and Sustainability Issues in Albania. In: Duarte, P.A.B., Leandro, F.J.B.S., Galán, E.M. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Gosens, J., Binz, C., & Lema, R. (2020). China’s role in the next phase of the energy transition: contributions to global niche formation in the concentrated solar power sectorEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions34, 61–75. 

Gries, P. & Turcsanyi, R. (2021). Chinese Pride and European Prejudice: How Growing Resentment of China Cools Feelings toward Chinese in Europe, Asian Survey 61 (5): 742–766.

Gubik, A.S., M. Sass, and Á. Szunomár (2020) Asian Foreign Direct Investments in the Visegrad Countries: What Are Their Motivations for Coming Indirectly? Danube 11: 3 pp. 239-252.

Haakonsson, S., Kirkegaard, J. K., & Lema, R. (2020). The decomposition of innovation in Europe and China’s catch-up in wind power technology: the role of  KIBSEuropean Planning Studies28(11), 2174–2192.

Hai, J., & Klingler-Vidra, R. (2022). Chinese blockchain: convergence around a Beijing-aligned strategy. In Global Policy.

Heggelund, G. M. (2021). China’s climate and energy policy: at a turning point? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics21(1), 9–23.   

Heinrichs, G. & Kleuting, L.  (2022). Annotated collection of guidance for secure and successful international R&I cooperation. DLR-PT.

Henderson, J., & Hooper, M. (2021). China and European innovation: corporate takeovers and their consequencesDevelopment and Change52(5), 1090–1121. 

Henderson, J., Feldmann, M., & Graaff, N. (2021). The wind from the east: china and european economic development. Development and Change52(5), 1047–1065.

Henneke, L. and C. Knowles (2020) Conceptualising Cities and migrant ethnicity: the lessons of Chinese London, in: John Solomos (ed) Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary racisms, London: Routledge

Hooijmaaijers, B. (2021). A comparative analysis of the role of the state in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean investment in the EUAsia Europe Journal(20210521)

Hooijmaaijers, B. (2021). China, the BRICS, and the limitations of reshaping
global economic governance
The Pacific Review, 34:1, 29–55.

Hooijmaaijers, B. (2021). Unpacking EU policy-making towards China : how member states, bureaucracies, and institutions shape its China economic policy(Ser. Palgrave studies in asia-pacific political economy). Palgrave Macmillan. 

Hung, H. F. (2022). Clash of Empires: From’ Chimerica’ to the ‘New Cold War’. Elements in Global China.

Hung, H. F. (2022). Clash of Empires: From’Chimerica’to the’New Cold War’. Elements in Global China.

Ilie, C., Fornes, G., Cardoza, G., & Mondragón Quintana Juan Carlos. (2020). Development of business schools in emerging markets: learning through adoption and adaptation. Sustainability12(20), 8448–8448.

Jensen, F. (2022). State Capitalism and Spanish port development along the Maritime Silk Road. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X221083683. 

Rühlig, T. N. (2021). China’s Foreign Policy Contradictions: Lessons from China’s R2P, Hong Kong, and WTO Policy. Oxford University Press.

Jensen, F. (2022). State Capitalism and Spanish port development along the Maritime Silk Road. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X221083683. 

Jovičić, E. (2022). Dualna cirkulacija i sistemske promene spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine NR Kine. In Zakić, K., & Stekić, N. (eds.)  Kineski razvojni izazovi: promene i projekcije, Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 173-200.

Jovičić, E., & Stojanović, D. (2022). Key Features and Challenges of the China-Western Balkan Countries Merchandise Trade Development. Economic Analysis55(2), 79-90.

Jovičić, E. (2022). Dualna cirkulacija i sistemske promene spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine NR Kine.

Jovičić, E., Minović, J. (2021). Bilateral Trade Relations Between China and CEE Countries: A Gravity Model Approach, Global economic trends – challenges and opportunities: book of abstracts, pp.75-78 Abels, S. (2021). Media Accountability in China. The Global Handbook of Media Accountability (GLOHOMA), Routledge International Handbooks Series.

Jovičić, E., S. Stevanović, and I. Beraha (2020). Serbia-China bilateral trade relations: major challenges and opportunitiesEconomic Analysis, Vol 53. No 2, pp. 133-144.

Kalotay, K., & Szunomár, Á. Chinese investment in the Baltic Sea region: Main characteristics and policy challenges.

Kaufmann, L. (2020) “Altdorf – Shanghai – Shenzhen – Liebefeld: Swiss-Chinese Entanglements in Digital Infrastructures. In: Data Centers: Edges of a Digital Nation, edited by Monika Dommann, Hannes Rickli, and Max Stadler, 262–289. Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers.

Kaufmann, L. (2021). Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 

Kaufmann, L., (2021). Prefiguring China’s Digital Silk Road to Europe: Connecting Switzerland. 19 October 2021. In Transformations: Downstream Effects of the BRI blog, Belt and Road in Global Perspective, the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto.

Kirkulak-Uludag, B. (2022). China’s ambition in promoting green finance for the Belt and Road Initiative. In Leandro, F., Martínez Galan, E. &  Martínez, E. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of globalization with Chinese characteristics: the case of the Belt and Road Initiative. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Kirkulak-Uludag, B., & Safarzadeh, O. (2021). Exploring shock and volatility transmission between oil and Chinese industrial raw materialsResources Policy70

Kirkulak-Uludag, B., & Safarzadeh, O. (2021). Exploring shock and volatility transmission between oil and Chinese industrial raw materialsResources Policy70

Knowles, C. and R Burrows (2017). Reimagining Chinese London. Iin: Suzie Hall & Ricky Burdett (eds.) The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City, London: Sage, pp. 87-103.

Knowles, C. (2017). Reframing Sociologies of Migration in Encounters with Chinese LondonBritish Journal of Sociology, 68 (3), pp. 454-473.

Krause, T., Chen, M., Wassermann, L., Fischer, D., & Grossklags, J. (2022). China’s corporate credit reporting system: A comparison with the United States and Germany. Regulation & Governance.

Landini, F., Lema, R., & Malerba, F. (2021). Demand-led catch-up: a history-friendly model of latecomer development in the global green economy.Industrial and Corporate Change29(5), 1297–1318.

Langendonk, S. (2022). Multilateralism in China’s foreign relations: A normative-rhetorical tool for suasion and system reform.

Langendonk, S. (2022). Belgium: Exploring the non-debate about dependence on China with Magritte. Dependence in Europe’s Relations with China: Weighing Perceptions and Reality, 48-55.

Langendonk, S., & Drieskens, E. (in press). The EU’s embrace of geopolitics: insights from the EU-China relationship. In S. Van Hecke, & O. Costa (Eds.), The EU Political System after the 2019 European Elections. Springer Switzerland.

Lema, R., Fu, X., and Rabellotti, R. (2020)Green windows of opportunity: latecomer development in the age of transformation toward sustainability. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(5), 1193–1209. 

Lema, R., Gregersen, C., Bhamidipati, P. L., Hansen, U. E., & Kirchherr, J. (2021). China’s investments in renewable energy in Africa: creating co-benefits or just cashing-in? World Development, 141.

Levy, K. & Révész, Á. (2021). No Common Ground: A Spatial-Relational Analysis of EU-China RelationsJournal Of Chinese Political Science.

Levy, K. (2021, June 16). Die deutsche China-Forschung darf sich nicht isolierenChina.table

Levy, K., Ma, Q-Y. & Zimmer, A. (Eds.) (2021). 中国与德国政治和做服务观察 (Observation on the Cooperation between Government and Social Organizations in Providing Social Services in China and Germany), Beijing: National Administration Press.  

Levy, K., Zimmer, A., & Ma, Q. (Eds.). (2021). Still a Century of Corporatism?: Models of State-Society Cooperation in China and Germany (Vol. 4). Nomos Verlag.

Liang, S., Lupina-Wegener, A., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2022). ‘Change is Our Continuity’: Chinese Managers’ Construction of Post-Merger Identification After an Acquisition in Europe. Journal of Change Management22(1), 59-78.

Liu, I. and Dixon, A. (2020). SWFs in-depth: The great experiment. China Investment Corporation in Europe and beyond. In: China Investment Corporation in the Sovereign Wealth Funds Report 2020.

Lü, P., Curran, L., Spigarelli, F., & Barbieri, E. (2021). One country, many industries: heterogeneity of chinese ofdi motivations at meso level. China Economic Review69

Lupina-Wegener, A., Van Dick, R., & Liang, S. (in press). Identification changes in Chinese acquisitions in Europe: the social identity approach. In S. Oreg, R. Michel & R.T. By (Eds.). “The Psychology of Organizational Change” 2nd edition, Palgrave.

Lupina-Wegener, A., F. McDonald, G. Zhang, J. Shan and G. Karamustafa. (in press). Liability of emergingness of emerging market banks internationalizing to advanced economies. In L. Duarte & Galan . In Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: globalization, Belt and Road Initiative and Global, Palgrave Macmillan.

Macheda, F., & Nadalini, R. (2021). China’s Escape from the Peripheral Condition: A Success Story?Review of Radical Political Economics, 04866134211035493.

Marjanović, D., Jovičić, E., and Stojanović, D. (2021). The global distribution of Chinese Investments – importance for the economy of SerbiaEkonomika, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 43-55.

Martínez-Galán, E. (2021). Financing the protection of biodiversity: international governance as a mitigating factor of risks along the Belt and Road Initiative, chapter 8, pp. 265-297 and 313-314. In: Griffiths, R.T. and Hughes, A.C. (Eds.) The way of the road: the ecological implications of infrastructure. International Institute for Asian Studies. 

Matkovic, A. (2021). Unfree Labor, from Hanoi to Belgrade: Chinese investment and Labor Dispatch in the Case of 750 Workers from Vietnam.

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The first CHERN Special Issue

"The Wind from the East. China and the Future of Europe" - Special Issue of Development and Change

CHERN publication in more than 10 languages

"Chinese Migration in Europe" - Special Section of Global Dialogue

Edited volume with Oxford University Press

“Rising Power, Limited Influence - The Politics of Chinese Investments in Europe and the Liberal International Order,” Edited by Indrajit Roy, Jappe Eckhardt, Dimitrios Stroikos, and Simona Davidescu

Two volume special issue with Asian Perspective

“Infrastructure Connectivity in Europe with Chinese Characteristics,” Guest edited by Niall Duggan and Agnes Szunomar

Edited volume with Bristol University Press

“Narrating China and Europe in Uncertain Times,” Edited by Ágota Révész, Duncan Freeman, Magnus Feldmann and Steven Langendonk

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