The China in Europe Research Network has set out to facilitate the exchange among researchers, journalists, and policymakers. In this initiative, we identify significant events and provide the latter two groups with relevant insights from researchers from our network. We keep the briefings short and practical and leave it open to you whether you want to pursue a certain topic further on a one-on-one basis.
September 13, 11:00-11:45 CET
The event is aimed at journalists and policymakers
In the second we focus on Risks and Opportunities in Academic and Research Collaboration. The start of the academic year all over Europe provides an opportunity to give a brief data-driven insight into this hot topic.
Lynn Sibert
Lynn Sibert studied political sciences and social sciences at Humboldt University Berlin, Institut d’études politiques Lille and University of Exeter. She received her Masters degree in Sociology and Technology Studies at Technical University Berlin and completed a language study program at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. She is currently a Research Assistant, doing her PhD at the Department of Sociology (Chair of General Sociology) at Technical University Berlin. In her dissertation, she studies risk assessment and research security measures in international science cooperation with a special focus on Sino-German research cooperation. From November 2024 she will be conducting field research at Tongji University Shanghai, funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
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Andrea Braun Střelcová
Andrea Braun Střelcová studies the dynamics of international research collaboration with Chinese actors through the lens of EU research policy, European universities’ organizational practices, science diplomacy and academic mobility.
Ms Braun Střelcová works as a predoctoral scholar at the Lise Meitner “China in the Global System of Science” research group at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. She is currently writing her PhD in higher education management at the Tampere University in Finland. As a senior expert for the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation, she is in active dialogue with policy makers across the EU.
Marcus Conlé
Marcus Conlé is an advisor for research security and export control at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). He previously worked as a research fellow at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, where he led the project WIKOOP-INFRA, which developed recommendations for conducting cooperation with China at large research infrastructures. Marcus is associated with the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), where he recently co-authored the Asia Pacific Research Area (APRA) Performance Monitoring reports commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Marcus has worked on China’s regional and sectoral innovation systems in Hamburg, Duisburg, and Bremen for altogether more than 15 years. He studied Area Studies/China in Cologne and Dalian, PR China, and completed his doctorate at the Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Moderator: Ágota Révész
Ágota Révész is a sinologist with multiple years of experience in academia and diplomacy. Fluent in English, German, Chinese and Hungarian, she now conducts research on EU-China narratives, while also working on research security between Germany and China, as well as raising China competence among non-sinologists. Her teaching focuses on EU-China relations and intercultural competence with a focus on China.