1st CHERN Distinguished Lecture on Global China
On January 28th, the CHERN Online Series was kicked off with a lecture by Prof. Ho-fung Hung, Henry M. and Elizabeth P. Wiesenfeld Professor of
1st CHERN China-Europe Research Highlights
The second event in our Online Series was CHERN China-Europe research highlights – Global Views of China, a presentation of the Sinophone Borderlands project’s public
1st CHERN research and communication skills workshop
The first cycle of our Online Series concluded with a CHERN research and communication skills workshop – Effectively Communicating Your China Research. The workshop held
2nd CHERN Distinguished Lecture on Global China
On March 18th, the CHERN Online Series started its 2nd cycle of events with a lecture by Prof. Zha Daojiong, Professor in the School of International Studies
2nd CHERN China-Europe Research Highlights
The 2nd China-Europe research highlights in our Online Series was Foreign Investments and Security: A Nordic perspective on China’s rise, discussing Chinese Investments in Northern Europe in a presentation
2nd CHERN research and communication skills workshop
The second cycle of our Online Series concluded with another CHERN research and communication skills workshop – How to do surveys studying public opinion attitudes