WG3 invites applications for a joint workshop with WG1 – financial aspects of China in Europe

CHERN’s WG3 (Financial investments, real estate and services) will be holding a joint workshop with WG1 (Strategic sectors and infrastructure development) 7-9 September 2021. We intend to organise a number of WG3 panels held in parallel with WG1 sessions and hope to also hold some keynote/plenary events.

Spaces are limited, so we are asking anyone interested in presenting as part of the WG3 panels (whether in person or online) to submit a short abstract. This can be on any topic related to the financial aspects of China in Europe (EU member states and beyond). Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Banking and other financial institutions and services
  • Official finance 
  • Portfolio and real estate investment 
  • RMB internationalisation 
  • Energy finance and ESG 
  • Financial governance at national, European and global levels 
  • Theorising Chinese finance/capital in Europe 
  • Europe in comparative perspective

This will be a hybrid event, with participation both in-person and online (Covid restrictions permitting). The venue will be the Irish College in Leuven, a self-contained facility providing accommodation and meeting rooms, plus a restaurant and bar, meaning we should be able to maintain a Covid bubble if necessary. For those attending in person, accommodation is available on site and cost of travel, subsistence and accommodation for 7/8 September will be covered (you will receive full details if your abstract is accepted).

Please submit your abstract by completing this form and sending it to WG3 coordinator Nicholas Jepson.

Deadline for abstracts is 8 August. You will be notified if your abstract has been accepted by 12 August.

The event will be made available to non-participants to view online. A full programme will follow once finalised.

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