*partner in the Horizon Europe Project “Dealing with a resurgent China” funded from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101061700
The program of the training school will empower early career researchers at universities to increase the societal impact of their research and to reach policy makers. In addition, the training school provides the participants with a platform to connect with peers in academia and think tanks from different European countries. The training school will consist of two modules, commencing with a short series of online sessions in the second half of April 2023, which are open to a wider audience upon invitation and registration. The main sessions will take place in-person in Brussels on May 11 -12, 2023.
This training school is aimed at participants who demonstrate a clear interest in bridging the gap between academic scholarship and policy advice. Previous experience in providing policy advice is not required. For more details on who is eligible to participate and receive financial support from COST, see the information given below.
Training Schools are primarily (though not exclusively) aimed at Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI) (< 40 years old). Trainees should have an institutional or organisational affiliation and conduct ongoing research on China related to CHERN’s objectives. Also see who the training school is aimed at in the description above.
Trainees eligible to be reimbursed for travel costs are engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. Trainees eligible for reimbursement are individuals who are affiliated to a legal entity in a full COST member or Cooperating member, a Near Neighbouring country (NNC), or from an Approved European RTD organization. Please see the COST Country and Organizations table.
Accepted participants will receive financial support for travel and accommodation from CHERN, in accordance with the EU COST rules. The support will cover travel costs up to € 300 and daily allowances of € 190 per day (which you need to cover your meals and accommodation from). Accepted participants should attend all 5 sessions. Please check the COST Annotated Rules [pp. 84-90] for the calculation regarding Daily Allowance and requirements regarding the travel reimbursement.
The application period ended on
March 13, 2023
The first module of the Training school is virtual and contains an onboarding session as well as two online sessions that are open to a wider audience (upon invitation and registration). For admitted Training school participants all sessions are mandatory.
Module 1: Online-sessions
Date: Sessions of 2-3 hours commencing in the second half of April
(1) Virtual Onboarding and Introduction to the Training School (accepted participants only)
Speakers: Matthias Stepan (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Dr. Marina Rudyak (University Goettingen
(2) Panel session: Bridging the gap between university-based research and policy makers (open to a wider audience, invitation and registration link will be published late March)
Panelists: Dr. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova (Riga Stradins University) and Prof. Markus Taube (University Duisburg-Essen)
(3) The nexus between China Scholarship and Policy Advice: lessons from the Netherlands and other EU member states (open to a wider audience, invitation and registration link will be published late March)
Speaker: Dr. Ingrid d’Hooghe (Coordinator China Center, Clingendael)
(4) EU-China relations and the need to upgrade independent knowledge on China from a lawmaker’s perspective (closed event – upon invitation)
Speakers: Ms. Marie-Pierre Vedrenne (Member of European Parliament/ L’Europe Ensemble in the Renew Group) and Mr. Reinhard Bütikofer (Member of European Parliament / Greens / EFA)
Module 2: Two-day in-person training in Brussels
Date: May 11-12, 2023
Venue: COST Association, Manhattan Center, Avenue du Boulevard – Bolwerklaan 21, 1210 Brussels.
Key components of the in-person training (detailed program, including name of speakers is shared with the selected participants in mid-April):
(1) Skill training sessions
a. Self-presentation / marketing as China expert
b. Production of written outputs for decision makers (reports, policy briefs)
c. Speaking with / in front of decision makers (bilaterals, public hearings)
d. Interaction with the media as intermediary
(2) Insider sessions with senior China experts
Senior members of CHERN to showcase best-practices, and what might not be effective.
(3) Sessions with policymakers
Exchange with policy makers on what kind of knowledge they require for their work, how they make use of academic expertise.
(4) Peer learning sessions
Trainees share their own experience with one another. Facilitation peer by the trainers.
(5) Visit to a European institution