The ITC Conference Grants support PhD students, PhD candidates and Early Career Investigators with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) participating in the CHERN Action. Aligned with CHERN’s objectives, the goal is to foster the career development of junior scholars through networking, training and integration into ongoing research collaborations.

We are no longer accepting applications for this type of grant. 

For more details and instructions on how to apply, please refer to:

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The Dissemination Conference Grants directly support the Action’s dissemination with the aim to significantly increase the visibility of the CHERN COST Action in the research community and attract additional participants and stakeholders and disseminate Action results to relevant end-users at high-profile conferences.

We are no longer accepting applications for this type of grant. 

For more details and instructions on how to apply, please refer to:

Conference Grant Manager

Anna Lupina-Wegener

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Center for Culture & Creativity in International Business (C3IB)



Grant Period 3:

Anabela Santiago – Health diplomacy as a tool of soft power in contemporary Chinese history

Jelena Gledić – Threat and Opportunity Vs. Our Brother and The Other: Perceptions of China and the Chinese

Grant Period 4:

Konstantinas Andrijauskas – Bilateral China-Lithuania Relations: Latest Update

Mariana Trifonova – Presentation “National Perspectives on EU’s de-risking agenda vis-a-vis China: the Case of Bulgaria”

Tamas Matura – Update on Bilateral China Relations – a snapshot from Hungary

Veysel Tekdal – Understanding China’s Modest Role as a “Growth Driver” in Semi-Peripheral Industrializing Economies

Grant Period 5:

Jelena Gledić – BRI project workers in the Western Balkans: Politics and Public Perception


Grant Period 5:

Agota Revesz – “Applied China Studies” in Europe

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