On October 16th, 2020, WG5’s Interethnic relations sub-group lead by Fanni Beck organized a thematic workshop at the Central European University in Budapest, with most participants connecting to the meeting online.
The aim of the workshop was to interrogate the nature of interethnic relations between Chinese migrants and their European host societies through an intersectional lens, paying particular attention to the interplay between other social categories such as class, gender, and age. The presenters shared their methodological and empirical contributions at various stages of research development, followed by inspiring discussions during the lively Q&As.
See the program below, including links to publications or presentations, where available:
Session 1: Prejudice against Chinese migrants: roots, manifestations and responses
Chair: Fanni Beck
09.00-9-30: Chloé Luu, Xiabing Chen, Yong Li, Simeng Wang, Ran Yan (CNRS):
“I’m more afraid of racism than of the virus!” Awareness and Fights Back Against Racism Among Chinese Migrants and their Descendants in France in the time of Covid-19
Read the full paper: Wang Simeng, Xiabing Chen, Yong Li, Chloé Luu, Ran Yan & Francesco Madrisotti (2020) in European Societies, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1836384
09.30-10.00: Hélène Le Bail (CNRS, Sciences Po Paris-CERI, French Collaborative Institute on Migration) Ya-Han Chuang (INED, French Collaborative Institute on Migration:
“Stereotypes kill.” How Descendants of Chinese Migrants in France Organize against Ethnoracial Discrimination in France
10.00-10.30: Martina Bofulin (ZRC SAZU):
Mobility and Exclusion in the Time of Pandemic
10.30-10.45: Joint discussion of Session 1. Mapping out lines for further inquiry and potential cooperation.
Session 2: Chinese students in the international educational market
Chair: Krzysztof Kardaszewicz
11.00-11.30: Andrea Kis (University of Sussex):
Transnational Mobility and the desire for international education among elite families in contemporary China
11.30-12.00: Sofia Gaspar (ISCTE-IUL/CIES-IUL, Portugal):
Interethnic prejudice and racial discrimination towards Chinese children in Portugal
12.00-12.30: Sarah Koeksal (Ludwig-Maximilans University):
Critical Thinker, Global Citizen and People Person: Narrative Identities of Chinese International Students
12.30-13.00: Joint discussion of Session 2. Mapping out lines for further inquiry and potential cooperation.
Prejudice in reverse: prejudice among Chinese immigrants in the labour and housing market
Chair: Eric Florence
14.30-15.00: Jelena Gledic (University of Belgrade):
Migrants in Transition: An Analysis of the Chinese in Serbia during the post-Yugoslav economic and political reforms
15.00-15.30: Fanni Beck (CEU), Linda Szabó (CEU), Eszter Knyihár (ELTE):
The ideal ethnic constitution of a neighborhood – Ethnic considerations of Chinese buyers in Budapest’s real estate market
15.30-16.00: Sarah Grazia Ting Deng (Brown University):
The racialized who racialize others: Chinese baristas and their racial projects in contemporary Italy
16.00-16.30: Joint discussion of Session 3. Mapping out lines for further inquiry and potential cooperation.
17.00-18.00: The discussion is headed by Pál Nyíri considering the present and future of the working group on migration and the subgroup on interethnic relations in particular. Participants in Short Term Scientific Missions) will share their projects with the rest of the group.