STSMs aim to strengthen scientific networks and collaborations, increase knowledge exchange through access to specific expertise or methods, and especially support junior researchers in their professional development. They relate to the five Working Groups of CHERN. To find out more, please refer to:
Rapid STSMs are short duration research visits to establish or deepen research collaboration between the STSM applicant and the host. They typically take place during several research-intensive days at the host institution (max. duration 5 days).
We are no longer accepting applications for STSMs or Rapid STSMs.
Previous calls:
Call for STSM grantees
As an STSM host, you can host a scholar with whom you will be able to upgrade or expand your research, work on the scientific outputs or collaborate on joint funding application etc., and the grantee will be reimbursed according to the COST rules. The STSM can last from 5 calendar days to 2 months.
IMPORTANT: Priority will be given to first-time applicants, although there are no barriers for previous hosts to apply again.
Chinese Urban Real Estate Investments in Europe: Scoping Study STSMs with three hosts:
Do you want to attract early career or experienced researchers working on themes related to Chinese engagements in Europe and invite them for a research visit at your institute funded by CHERN? Do you have plans for limited research projects such as putting together a dataset, conducting a literature review or scoping study, writing a research proposal or a joint publication?
Consider applying to be an STSM host – you don’t have to be a CHERN member to apply!