Title of completed STSM | STSM applicant — host | Working Group / type of STSM |
Exploring interdisciplinary research on Chinese investment in Europe
| Shaowei He (The University Of Northampton Higher Education Corporation, United Kingdom) — Louis Brennan (Trinity College, Ireland) | Rapid STSM |
Chinese finance and strategic investments in the EU
| Paolo Balmas (Liser – Luxembourg Institute Of Socio-economic Research, Luxembourg) — Nana de Graaf (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) | Rapid STSM |
Mapping of the outcomes of China’s Health Silk Road projects in Europe – from 2017 until 2023
| Anabela Santiago (University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal) — Ângela Tritto/ Igor Rogelja (University College London) | Rapid STSM |
Chinese takeover of Gorenje factory and future collaboration roadmap
| Igor Rogelja (University College London, United Kingdom) — Anastas Vangeli (School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana) | Rapid STSM |
Running to Europe? Chinese Gen-Z Mobility amidst China’s Economic, Political, and Values Crises
| Juan Zhang (University Of Bristol, United Kingdom) —Nyíri Pál (Centre for Social Research, Hungary) | Rapid STSM |
Title of completed STSM | STSM applicant — host | Working Group / type of STSM |
Foreign Investment Screening in the European Union
| Alexandr Svetlicnii (Academic Society for Competition Law South East Europe) — Agnes Szunomar (Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) | 3 |
Ports in a storm: The Spatial, Political Economy of Chinese-backed Port Investments
| Allesandro Albana (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) — Giles Mohan (The Open University) | 3 |
Ports in a storm: The Spatial, Political Economy of Chinese-backed Port Investments
| Ceren Ergenc (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) — Giles Mohan (The Open University) | 3 |
CHERN’s Policy Engagement Strategy
| Jeffrey Henderson (University of Bristo) — Alexandra Martin (VU Amsterdam) | Rapid STSM |
Global China and the (Re-)making of Europe’s Inner Peripheries
| Hannes Langguth (HafenCity Universität — Maggi W.H. Leung (University of Amsterdam) | Rapid STSM |
Preparation of a CHERN Application for a Marie Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Networks Funding
| Sebastien Colin (Inalco — Nana de Graaff (VU Amsterdam) | Rapid STSM |
The impact of International Partner Networks on the Internationalization of Chinese Companies
| Filip De Beule (KU Leuven) — Haiyan Zhang (Neoma Business School Rouen) | Rapid STSM |
Title of completed STSM | STSM applicant — host | Working Group / type of STSM |
The public-private divide in European and Chinese financial market regulation: The case of central counterparties
| Johannes Petry (Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) — Matthias Thiemann (Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), Science Po Paris) | 3 |
Understanding the globalization of Chinese companies from below
| Jiawei Hai (King’s College London) — Martina Bofulin (Research Center of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) | 5 |
Linglong: How China’s first European tire factory transformed the public discourse around Chinese investments in Serbia
| Aleksandar Matković (Institute of Economic Sciences Belgrade) — Maggi W.H. Leung (University of Amsterdam) | 5 |
Scientific Research Cooperation between China and Iceland under the Polar Silk Road
| Fridrik Thorsson (University of Akureyri) — Juha Vuori (University of Tampere) | 4 |
Chinese Urban Real Estate Investment in Europe: Scoping Study
| Yuelu He (University of Barcelona) — Sofia Gaspar (Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) | Cross-WG Real-estate group |
Chinese Urban Real Estate Investments in Europe: Scoping Study
| Sirma Altun (Ankara University) — Nicholas Jepson (University of Manchester) | Cross-WG Real-estate group |
Chinese Urban Real Estate Investments in Europe: Scoping Study
| Alejandra Pizarro Choy (University of St Andrews) — Elia Apostolopoulou (The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) | Cross-WG Real-estate group |
Rapid STSM for WG4 special issue preparations
| Agota Revesz (Technische Universität Berlin) — Duncan Freeman (Vrije Unversiteit Brussel) | Rapid STSM |
Rapid Short-term Scientific Mission: How to cooperate with a systemic rival | Tim Ruhlig (German Council of Foreign Relations) — Miguel Otero (Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid) | Rapid STSM |
Best practices for training in computational methods in Contemporary Chinese studies | Li-Hsin Chang (University of Turku) — Philip Wenzel Kyhl (Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen) | Rapid STSM |
The impact of China’s border shutdown on the career trajectories of university students of Chinese based in Italy and France | Ludovica Lena (INALCO — Federico Masini (La Sapienza University Rome) | Rapid STSM |
Title of completed STSM | STSM applicant — host | Working Group / type of STSM |
Mapping of Chinese investements in Europe’s agriculture and food sector | Anabela Santiago (University of Aveiro) — Niall Duggan (University College Cork) | 1 |
Chinese elite migrants in Europe | Fanni Beck (CEU) — Sofia Gaspar (Iscte Lisbon) | 5 |
Chinese construction projects in the Balkans: baseline study | Imogen Tao (University of Maasctricht) — Elena Jovičić (Belgrade Institute of Economic Sciences) | 5 |
Mapping EU – China Infrastructure investment policies and regulations | Yue Wang (Tampere University) — Giles Monihan (Open University UK) | 3 |
China’s digital power and implications for the EU | Jan Peter Kleinhans (Stiftung Neue Verantwort) — Tim Ruhlig (Swedish Institute of International Affairs) | 2 |
China’s engagement in European Research, Innovation and Higher education | Mikkel Mouritzen (Roskilde University) — Andrea Strelcova (Max Planck Institute of History of Science) | 4 |
China’s engagement in European Research, Innovation and Higher education | Su Yun Woo (University of Zurich) — Andrea Strelcova (Max Planck Institute of History of Science) | 4 |
Communicating China research in Europe and beyond | Jelena Gledić (University of Belgrade) — Nana de Graaf (University of Amsterdam) | 4 |
Building a database of official Chinese finance in Europe | Oyuna Baldakova (Freie Universitat Berlin) — Adam Dixon (University of Maastricht) | 3 |
Chinese infrastracture FDI and spatial planning procedures in South East Europe | Miljan Radunović (Singidunum University Belgrade) — Franziska Sielker (Cambridge University) | 1 |
Lessons for Europe from Chinese engagements and democratization in Africa | Gul-I-Hina Shahzad (University of Milan, IIAS) — Mattjihs Bogaards (CEU) | 4 |
Chinese financial institutions in Europe | Miljan Radunović (Singidunum University Belgrade) — Anna Lupina Wegener (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland) | 3 |