WG2 has been holding monthly webinars of 60 minutes each in order to get a better understanding of the research topics and potential synergies within the WG without physical meetings that are not doable during the pandemic.
The following webinars have been held so far:
8 June 2020, 1530-1700 CEST:
“China’s growing footprint in international technical standardization and its implications for Europe” (Tim Rühlig, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs)
25 June 2020, 1500-1600 CEST:
“Chinese investments in the Nordics” (Ulf Svendrup, NUPI)
23 July 2020, 1500-1600 CEST:
“China and European innovation. Corporate Acquisitions and their consequences” (Jeff Henderson, Bristol University)
22 September 2020, 1430-1530 CEST:
“Deepening the capabilities for sustainable innovation in multinational enterprises. The role of green foreign direct investments in renewable energies” (Vito Amendolagine, Bari University, Rasmus Lema, Aalborg University, Roberta Rabellotti, Pavia University)
21 October 2020, 1000-1100 CET:
“Chinese Cyber Power in international perspective: the new National Cyber Power Index 2020 of the Harvard Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs” (Julia Voo, Harvard)
4 November 2020, 1400-1500 CET:
“Cyber Sovereignty in Action: Chinese cyber sovereignty protection and its implications for foreign governments and business” (Rogier Creemers, Leiden University)
8 December 2020, 1400-1500 CET:
“Can China achieve self-sufficiency in semiconductors and what role does Taiwan play?” (Jan-Peter Kleinhans, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung)
WG members are invited to present new ideas or the findings of papers for 15-20 minutes and receive feedback from the rest of the group. The webinar is explicitly open to controversially debate new research ideas; no papers are circulated in advance. From our experiences so far, we will discuss how to proceed with the working group and organize physical workshops deepening cooperation and resulting in joint publications in 2021.